The national „Digital Innovation Hubs” have been selected

The Romanian Digitization Authority has completed the national process of selection of digital innovation centers that will have the opportunity to become members of the European Network and participate in the implementation of the Digital Europe Program.

Following the completion of the evaluation process, the final list of proposals to be communicated to the European Commission:

Regiunea VestDIH Regiunea Vest România
Regiunea Nord VestTransilvania Digital Innovation Hub
Hub de Inovație Digitală pentru Societate DIH4S
Regiunea Sud – Vest Oltenia:Hub Digital Inovativ Oltenia
Regiunea SudWallachia Hub
Regiunea Sud-Est:CityInnoHub
Danube DIH
Regiunea Nord-EstDigital Innovation Zone
Regiunea CentruFIT – Digital Innovation Hub
Regiunea București– IlfovCybersecurity Hub CSH
RO Tech Nation DIH